
Showing posts from October, 2022

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Evaluation of Root Noduletingrhizobial Strains for Fababean Crop at Kulumsa, Southeastern Highlands of Ethiopia

  Evaluation of Root Noduletingrhizobial Strains for Fababean Crop at Kulumsa, Southeastern Highlands of Ethiopia Abstract The response of fababean to seed inoculation with ninestrains of Rhizobium leguminosarum along with recommended phosphorous from TSP fertilizer was examined in field experiments at a total of five sites from 2013 to 2015 at Kulumsa in the southeastern highlands of Ethiopia. Full (18– 46 kg N–P2O5 ha -1 ) and half doses nitrogen and phosphorous from inorganic source (DAP), and no input at all were also included in the treatments. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The result of 2013 trial showed seed inoculation with root noduleting rhizobium strains significantly improved the productivity of fababean. The highest grain yields of fababean were obtained from seed inoculations withstrainsEAL-110, FB-Murd, 1035 and 1018 along with recommended phosphorous from TSP. Equivalent yields were also obtained from the applic

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Bilateral Breast Metastasis of Atypical Pulmonal Carcinoid

  Bilateral Breast Metastasis of Atypical Pulmonal Carcinoid Abstract The breast is an uncommon site of metastasis. We report a case of bilateral metastasis of atypical pulmonal carcinoid in the breast. Review of the literature has demonstrated only a few cases of carcinoid metastatis in a single breast, but not bilateral. In spite of the rarity of this finding, the differential diagnosis between primary and metastatic carcinoid or malignant tumor of the breast at all, should be considered in view of the different management of these two settings. Immunohistology has proved a very helpful method in this field. Accurate diagnosis of breast metastasis is important to avoid unnecessary treatment. Case report From the patient´s history: her mother died of breast cancer and she had a breast surgery for a fibroadenoma in 1993. In January 2001 she had undergone an upper lobectomy of the right lung for an atypical bronchial carcinoid ( pT1, N2, M0, G2). An adjuvant radiotherapy was performed f

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Can Benign Increased Intracranial Pressure cause Unilateral Papilledema? – A Case Report

  Can Benign Increased Intracranial Pressure cause Unilateral Papilledema? – A Case Report Abstract Benign Increased Intracranial Pressure: also called Idiopathic intracranial hypertension or Pseudotumor Cerebri is a condition in which there is elevation of cerebrospinal fluid pressure with unknown aetiology (so, idiopathic). This disorder usually affects women in childbearing period. With this disorder, there is No diagnosed exact pathology causing this problem. There are also no abnormalities in CSF pathways within the ventricles. Neuro-radiological diagnostic studies are also normal except those denoting high cerebrospinal fluid pressure. Also, there is no evidence of other secondary causes of increased intracranial pressure can be detected. We present a case of benign increased intracranial pressure in a young obese female presented with Unilateral papilledema and sudden unilateral deterioration of vision. Introduction Benign Increased intracranial pressure usually presents with bi

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | In Vitro Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Potential Evaluations of Methanolic Extract of Acalypha hispida Burm.f. (Euphorbiaceae)

  In Vitro  Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Potential Evaluations of Methanolic Extract of  Acalypha hispida  Burm.f. (Euphorbiaceae) Abstract The principal goal of this research study is to evaluate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of traditional Bangladeshi medicinal extracts and to examine these activities in relation to their antioxidant content. Acalypha hispida Burm.f. (Euphorbiaceae) is a medicinal plant of Bangladesh and Indian subcontinent, which is widely used as folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. The aim in the present study was to screen the phytochemical profile and pharmacological activities of methanolic extract of  Acalypha hispida  leaves. Because each part of  Acalypha hispida  Burm.f. has different constituents, the pharmacological effects of the plant vary according to the part of the plant evaluated. To investigate pharmacological activities DPPH scavenging assay and HRBC membrane stabilization methods were done for antioxidant and

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Neonatal Birth Injuries: An Orthopedic Clinic Presentation

  Neonatal Birth Injuries: An Orthopedic Clinic Presentation Introduction Birth trauma is defined as injury sustained by the neonate during the process of labour and delivery. The incidence in the united states is 29 per 1000 births [ 1 ] . With the improvement in obstetric care and reduction in perinatal mortality and birth asphyxia, there is a rising trend in the incidence of birth trauma [ 2 ] . Some birth injuries occurred more frequently than others. While minor ones usually heal without major intervention, the major ones are often referred. Certain factors such as birth weight, parity, prolonged labour, mode of delivery, fetal presentation and facility where baby was delivered are possible etiologic factors. The aim of this study is to determine the pattern of neonatal birth injuries presenting in a typical orthopedic clinic in a Nigerian hospital and the possible associated factors. Methodology A prospective, hospital based cross sectional study carried out over a 2year period i