Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Evaluation of Root Noduletingrhizobial Strains for Fababean Crop at Kulumsa, Southeastern Highlands of Ethiopia
Evaluation of Root Noduletingrhizobial Strains for Fababean Crop at Kulumsa, Southeastern Highlands of Ethiopia Abstract The response of fababean to seed inoculation with ninestrains of Rhizobium leguminosarum along with recommended phosphorous from TSP fertilizer was examined in field experiments at a total of five sites from 2013 to 2015 at Kulumsa in the southeastern highlands of Ethiopia. Full (18– 46 kg N–P2O5 ha -1 ) and half doses nitrogen and phosphorous from inorganic source (DAP), and no input at all were also included in the treatments. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The result of 2013 trial showed seed inoculation with root noduleting rhizobium strains significantly improved the productivity of fababean. The highest grain yields of fababean were obtained from seed inoculations withstrainsEAL-110, FB-Murd, 1035 and 1018 along with recommended phosphorous from TSP. Equivalent yields were also obtained from the applic