Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Relation of a Pulse Transit Time to the Blood Pressure in Bifurcated Cardiovascular Networks
Relation of a Pulse Transit Time to the Blood Pressure in Bifurcated Cardiovascular Networks Abstract Recent developments in cardiovascular mathematics allow to simulate blood flow in the entire circulatory network or any isolated cardiovascular subsystem. Providing measurements of a Pulse Transit Time (PTT), or the averaged value for the Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV), the patient specific computational model can create personalized transfer functions, converting distal measurements to the set of cardiovascular biomarkers. The latter has a potential to build the feasible foundation for the personalized continuous self-monitoring of cardiovascular health based on portable mobile and wearable applications. Nevertheless, although being of a great interest, an accurate and reliable PTT-based Blood Pressure (BP) estimation barely exists nowadays due to the complexity of a BP regulation in a human body. In this paper we concentrate on a physics based computational modelling to assess interconn