
Biomedical Science and Research Journals | On Random Center Grouping in Multicenter Clinical Trials

  On Random Center Grouping in Multicenter Clinical Trials Abstract With the attention of achieving desired power within a pre-specified timeframe in clinical development, a multicenter trial is often conducted to expedite the patient recruitment. However, a multicenter trial with plethoric number of centers is very likely to result in numerous small centers, which will cause the problem of treatment imbalance (unequal number of patients per arm within a center) and/or center imbalance (a few large centers with a number of small centers). In practice, treatment imbalance within and between centers inevitably occurs regardless the randomization models and/or methods used. Treatment imbalance within center and/or center imbalance will not only (i) increase the probability of observing treatment-by-center interaction, but also (ii) decrease the power for detecting clinically meaningful difference (or treatment effect) of the test treatment under investigation. In this paper, we propos...

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Happy Christmas


Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Religion and Public Health Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

  Religion and Public Health Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic Opinion The progression of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) towards the pandemic [1], witnessed a dialogue on religion; on one hand to strengthen the efforts of public health agencies by quoting tenets of religion that parallel and promote measures to curb the spread of the infection, and on the other hand, defying the protocols set by governing bodies by engaging in public gatherings in places of worship, creating foci for propagating the infection [2]. This discourse grows in the domains of journalism and social media, with direct implications on the health behaviour of individuals, in agreement or disagreement with the arguments. However, there seems to be a harmful silence in academic discourse on the study of this relationship, towards supplementing the efforts of governments and frontline workers, and protecting them from risk taking health behaviour, influenced by religion. In the context of public health, reli...

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Rapid Induction of Orthotopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Mice by Fixed Puncture Point Injection

  Rapid Induction of Orthotopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Mice by Fixed Puncture Point Injection Abstract Aim:  Animal model is an indispensable tool in investigating the development, progression and treatment of human cancer including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, it is still challenging in establishing orthotopic HCC mouse models. Here, we presented a minimally invasive method with high tumor formation rate in mouse liver. Methods:  Hep3B-luc and SNU-449-luc HCC cells mixed with Matrigel were injected into the liver of nude mice from different source at fixed injection site and depth, respectively. The mice were divided into 3 groups. At fifteen days post-injection, the bioluminescence signal of liver tumor was detected and tumors in injected mouse liver were harvested. Cons and pros were then compared between presented and common approaches. Results:  We successfully developed an orthotopic transplantation tumor model in nude mice by directly injectin...