Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Syndrome of the lodges in the wake viperine enemasures in intensive care Chu of Bouake. Ivory coast

Syndrome of the lodges in the wake viperine enemasures in intensive care Chu of Bouake. Ivory coast Summary Viperine envenomation’s are serious because of the local complications they cause. Objective: To describe the clinical and evolutionary aspects of patients with post-envenomation syndrome. Patients and Method: Retrospective and descriptive study of cases of viperine envenomation syndrome treated in intensive care unit at the CHU of Bouaké during the period from January 1, 2012 to March 31, 2016. We identified 126 cases of envenomation including 37 viperine envenomations and noted 06 cases of compartment syndrome. The average admission time was 11.50 hours with extremes of 02 and 48 hours. There were 04 men for 02 women. Farmers were the most affected including five and a shepherd. The bite was located at the feet and ankles at 04 patients and at the hands at 02 patients. Painful tension was observed in the muscular compartments with extensive locoreg...