Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Detection of Resistance mecA Gene In Gram Positive Bacteria Described as Nosocomial

Detection of Resistance mecA Gene In Gram Positive Bacteria Described as Nosocomial Abstract Shortly after the introduction of an antimicrobial to the market it has been possible to find bacteria that are resistant to its action. This resistance is natural in some bacteria, while in others it is a condition acquired through the incorporation of genes that code various mechanisms of resistance. These resistant strains represent a big problem in human hospitals when causing nosocomial infections, since the therapeutic options are limited. In veterinary medicine, although nosocomial infections are increasing, they are still less studied than those acquired by people. However, these infections -both in human and veterinary patients- have in common to be caused, mainly, by methicillin-resistant staphylococci. Due to this fact, in addition to the fact that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted between different animal species, including humans, the purpose of this ...