Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Nosocomial Infection: Causes Treatment and Management

Nosocomial Infection: Causes Treatment and Management Hospital Acquired Infection Hospital acquired infection is also known as nosocomial infection or health care associated infection it is occur when patient admitted in hospital but with other type of infection or at the time of admission in hospital infection is not usually present in patient or it is usually occur in hospital during medical care of patient and this is the basic reason of death in hospitalized patient it can affect the patient emotional stress, decease the quality of life, and increase the patient stay in hospital it can also transmitted to the community when the patient discharge[ 1 ] . Causes of Hospital Acquired Infection Microbes During medical care in hospital patient are exposed to a verity of microorganism which can cause much clinical disorder it may cause by microorganism present in other patient admitted in hospital known as cross infection. Patient susceptibility It includes a) Age of the patient b) ...