Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Cerebral Tuberculoma without Clinical Pulmonary Tuberculosis Mimicry as Cerebral Abscess: (A Rare Case Report)

Cerebral Tuberculoma without Clinical Pulmonary Tuberculosis Mimicry as Cerebral Abscess: (A Rare Case Report) Abstract Cerebral tuberculoma is approximately 10-15% of intracranial tuberculosis cases and 1% of all Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) cases. Mostly, Cerebral tuberculoma is always accompanied by pulmonary tuberculosis infection. However, clinical and radiological symptoms of cerebral tuberculoma has mimicry with other brain infections. Gold standard of cerebral tuberculoma is histopathological finding, but it isn’t hard to do so MRI and MRI spectroscopy are used to make sure this diagnosis. In this case we will explore cerebral tuberculoma without clinical pulmonary tuberculosis has mimicry cerebral abses Case Presentation: 20-years-old woman, complained a progressive left side body weakness accompanied by an intermittent headache for 6 months ago. She had also complained a discharge appeared from both ears for 7 months ago. Patient’s contact history of tuberculo...