Theory of Stress-Anxiety-Sleep Disorders-Neural Damage Cyclic Chain and the Progression of Parkinson’s Disease Abstract “Parkinson’ disease” is a neurologic complex disease that affect the functionality if the brain modifying the neural connectivity due to cell death, that still don’t have cure. All actual medication and procedures available today only help to improve the quality of life of the patients. The main objective of this research paper is to conclude a theory for the relation of “Stress”, “Anxiety” and “Sleep disorders” and an additional factor identify as “neural damage”, and relation between them and others additional factors like genetic disorders with the progression of “Parkinson’s disease”, supported with many published research papers that are currently available, personal interviews with PD patients, caregivers, PD families, neurologists, others peoplesinvolves in their PD health team, and my own experience as a Biomedical Engineeri...