
Showing posts from May, 2024

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Is 1.5% Glycine a Comfortable Assistant in the Performance of Operative Hysteroscopy?

  Is 1.5% Glycine a Comfortable Assistant in the Performance of Operative Hysteroscopy? Abstract A Hysterectomy is the most frequently performed major gynaecological surgery. Benign causes are the most frequent indication for this procedure. Since this procedure is associated with significant morbidity; It was necessary to develop less invasive tools which could effectively address many non-cancerous indications which hitherto led to a hysterectomy. The hysteroscope emerged and with it was developed hysteroscopic surgical skills. Materials and method:  We searched the literature, (google scholar, PubMed, Mesh, CINAHL, EMBASE, Scopus) using search terms : Operative Hysteroscopic intravascular absorption syndrome, Fibroid uterus, endometrial ablation, rollerball endometrial ablation and did not find any case or case series with the specifics of our case. Though the need for less invasive portals in the management of benign gynaecological pathology is to be encouraged, these less...

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | How to Get More Transparency in Animal Experiments - Participation in CIRS-LAS

  How to Get More Transparency in Animal Experiments - Participation in CIRS-LAS Opinion Considering the current state of science, the use of animals in experimental purposes cannot completely be replaced by i.e. chip technology or mathematical approaches. In Europe, every year about 10million laboratory animals are still used in experiments, for teaching, or animal breeding for scientific purposes. Transparency and reproducibility are important tasks we must focus on laboratory animal science. In our everyday work we are faced with critical incidents, near accidents, or comparable negative events. The only way to deal with it is to recognize it, to analyze it, to discuss about it, and to find possible approaches to avoid repeating unsuccessful animal experiments. The task to use 3R guidelines or other animal welfare related resources is more and more asked to fulfill the responsible work with laboratory animals according the 3R principles [1,2]. Regarding the high number of public...

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Caring Behavior of Nurses Increase Level of Client’s Satisfaction in Clinical Area

  Caring Behavior of Nurses Increase Level of Client’s Satisfaction in Clinical Area Abstract Background:  Nurse caring behavior is one aspect that is very related to nursing services, because caring includes human relationships and affects the quality of service and patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction is the result of an assessment in the form of an emotional response (feeling happy and satisfied) to the patient because of the fulfillment of expectations or desires in using and receiving nurse services. Patient satisfaction is an evaluation or assessment after using a service that the selected service at least meets or exceeds expectations. The research design used is a descriptive correlational quantitative research method using a cross sectional approach; sampling technique is purposive sampling. The numbers of sampling were 41 respondents. Data collection instruments using a questionnaire Chi-Square test with a significance level α = 0, 05. Based on the Fisher’s Exa...