
Showing posts from September, 2024

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Microbiota for Healthy Ageing: The State of Art

  Microbiota for Healthy Ageing: The State of Art Abstract Human microbiota is composed by trillions of bacteria which play a crucial role in host health maintenance and disease pathogenesis and whose composition is unique in each person. Environmental conditions and dietary habits can modulate the shape of microbiota that, in turn, may contribute to mediate the effect of dietary components on health status. The development of a stable and diverse gut microbiota is essential for various host physiologic functions such as immunoregulation, pathogen prevention, energy harvest, and metabolism. Changes in microbial composition are often associated to the presence of common metabolic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, lipid disorders, metabolic syndrome. Gut microbiota composition is unique in each person and changes with age. While in adult’s microbiota is generally characterized by high biodiversity, in the elderly it becomes compositionally unstable and less diverse, a condition

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Discovery of a Nonspecific Precancer Screening Indicator named “Dicentric+Translocation” of the Chromosomal Aberrations

  Discovery of a Nonspecific Precancer Screening Indicator named “Dicentric+Translocation” of the Chromosomal Aberrations Abstract Background:  To search the major carcinogenic factor or explore a non - specific early- stage and rapid screening indicators of cancer. Methods:  Select 49 tumor patients and 60 healthy persons, Chromosome aberration and lymphocyte micronucleus were analyzed before radiation therapy of tumor patients. Results:  the “Dicentric + Translocation” of Chromosome 36(73.47%).The frequency of chromosome aberration and lymphocyte micronucleus were higher, especially the “Dicentric+Translocation “of chromosome aberrations (P <0.01), the frequency of double centromere chromosomes and translocation increased; the chromosome conglutination and dissolution appeared. Conclusion:  Could it be used as an early screening indicator for cancer; does it suggest that ionizing radiation is a major carcinogen? It is worthy of further study. Keywords:  Cancer screening indicators

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Preclinical Evaluation of a Modified Surgical Approach to the Maxillary Sinus – Comparison of two Endoscopic Techniques

  Preclinical Evaluation of a Modified Surgical Approach to the Maxillary Sinus – Comparison of two Endoscopic Techniques Abstract Purpose:  There are several approaches to the maxillary sinus for the treatment of pathologies. The endoscopic technique is the gold standard in paranasal sinus surgery. The middle meatal maxillary antrostomy (MMMA), which is the enlargement of the natural opening, is the most common method. The prelacrimal recess approach (PLRA) is known as an alternative method. However, advantages of either method have not been systematically assessed. Methods:  8 cranial models “Sinus patient Meyer” were used for the study. The maxillary sinuses were filled with a soft silicon-based paste. Each model had a CT scan prior and after endoscopic sinus surgery and volumetry of the residual maxillary sinus volume was performed. Endoscopic MMMA and endoscopic PLRA were applied. Volumetric results were compared with standard statistical evaluation using Microsoft Excel for Mac (

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | A Novel Technology Combining RF and Magnetic Fields: Technical Elaboration on Novel RF Electrode Design

A Novel Technology Combining RF and Magnetic Fields: Technical Elaboration on Novel RF Electrode Design Abstract The article provides an insight into the technological aspects of a novel technology in body shaping allowing simultaneous delivery of HIFEM magnetic fields and radiofrequency energy. The device utilizes circular coil for magnetic field induction and radiofrequency electrodes in a single applicator which poses a technological challenge to the construction. To overcome the challenges a novel electrode design has been introduced for avoiding interferences between the two types of energy. As such the device presents a shift in the body contouring segment of aesthetic medicine, because it allows a simultaneous treatment of muscle laxity through supramaximal muscle stimulation and reduction of excessive adipose tissue through radiofrequency heating. Keywords:  HIFEM, Radiofrequency, Synchrode RF Electrode, Body Contouring Abbreviations:  HIFEM: High Intensity Focused Electromagne

Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Independent Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas: Case Report

  Independent Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas: Case Report Abstract Background:  Independent signet ring cell carcinoma of the pancreas is a rare and aggressive histologic variant. We report the case of a patient with independent signet ring cell carcinoma of the pancreas. Case presentation:  45-year-old men who consulted for epigastralgia associated with subicterus which had progressed for 2 months. Abdominal imaging showed a pancreatic process measuring 7cm long axis. A biopsy of the pancreatic mass was performed by duodenoscopy. Pathological examination was in favor of pancreatic independent signet ring cell carcinoma. The decision for palliative chemotherapy was taken collegially in a multidisciplinary consultation meeting. Ten days later, the patient was clinically impaired with installation of cholestatic jaundice and disturbance of liver function tests; hence his hospitalization in the gastrology department for placement of a prosthesis which did not could be done bec