Biomedical Science & Research Journals

At the American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, the editors are considered the highest authority of publishing. To us, the word of our editors is considered final in the process of editing, peer reviewing and decisions regarding the publication of articles. Our editors are thorough examiners of scientific content and are responsible for the integrity of published articles and the quality of scientific research shared by this journal on a public platform.

Editor's Responsibilities

  • Editors are expected to determine whether the received articles fall under the scope of the journal and if said content meets the required standards set by the journal for publication.
  • Editors are also expected to thoroughly evaluate manuscripts and suggest modifications based on the content, it’s representation and the standards of online publishing.
  • Post the peer review process, content is sent to one of the editors. Their job is to then evaluate the literature, and suggest necessary changes to enhance the quality of the work and it’s presentation.
  • Upon receiving a manuscript that is of satisfactory quality, the editor may proceed to give his/her go-ahead for the publication of said article.
  • In order to reject a manuscript, article or any form of submitted content, the editor has to explain the reasons for rejecting the content.
  • The editor must be fair, and judge articles with utmost discretion, without being influenced by any factors that will bring down the integrity of the journal.
  • Editors must always stay ahead of deadlines. Their swift responses are essential in upholding the publishing standards set by the journal. In order to do so, editors are expected to peer review articles on time, meeting set deadlines for every article. If for any reason the editor is unavailable to conduct the peer review process, he/she must assign reviewers who can efficiently carry out the peer review process and ensure that the quality of the outcome is the best.
  • To better understand their roles and responsibilities, editors are welcome to take a look at the reviewer guidelines, since they will be held responsible for the quality of the content, approved to be published by the journal based on their peer review system.
  • Editors are to maintain the confidentiality of the literature they receive for review, throughout the peer review process, right up until publication.

    For More information: biomedical open access Journals


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