Biomedical Science & Research Journals | Emotional Core Therapy is Scientifically Proven to be the Most Effective Psychology Approach Available Worldwide to Treat Anxiety

Anxiety is with most humans throughout the day. Acute anxiety can be harmful for the central nervous system. For the first time in history, we have a behavioral psychology approach that can effectively treat the root cause of anxiety. The key is to use the eight step Emotional Core Therapy (ECT) flowchart properly. This is no easy task and likely takes 5-20 hours or more to comprehend. Once you learn and apply the ECT flowchart to one’s daily lives, you will have a psychological process that works each and every time you use it to treat anxiety the situational anxiety in one’s life.

In this journal article, I will highlight several aspects of the Emotional Core Therapy flowchart which are unique to the field of behavioral psychology. First is the fact that Emotional Core Therapy is the only behavioral psychology approach available worldwide that effectively treats the root cause of anxiety. Second is the inclusive nature of the Eight step ECT flowchart. The ECT process can include any psychological or spiritual technique that effectively releases emotions as the seventh step. Therefore, literally dozens upon dozens of scientifically proven psychotherapy techniques can easily be incorporated into the Emotional Core Therapy Flowchart. The third aspect of Emotional Core Therapy that is unique is you can transfer the process to any situational stress one encounters such as depression, addictions, eating disorders, marital problems, anger issues, etc.

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