Biomedical Science & Research Journals | The Treatment of Women with Post-Menopausal Undifferentiated Arthralgia -The First Report of Efficacy of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Objective: Peri- and post-menopausal women commonly present with morning stiffness and joint pain, often without joint swelling or pathological abnormalities, presenting clinicians with diagnostic and management troubles. This study evaluates the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for symptomatic relief in these patients to discriminate early stage of rheumatoid arthritis.
Methods: 174 female patients were screened between January and September in 2018. Rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-CCP antibody, CRP, estradiol (E2), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) testing was performed; 24 with morning stiffness but no significant joint pain, 27 patients meeting criteria for defined autoimmune rheumatic disease, or 16 with declined treatment and 24 with miscellaneous diseases were excluded. Of the 83 remaining UA,15 were perimenopausal and prescribed Tocopherol N, and 68 were postmenopausal and prescribed HRT. Patients were reassessed following two to six months of treatment. Women who achieved a 30% reduction or greater in p-VAS scores with treatment were considered to have responded.
Results: 12/15 (76%) perimenopausal, and 57/68 (83.3%) postmenopausal women met response criteria. resulting from the E2 levels higher/ FSH levels lower and p-VAS, reduction, compared to baseline P<0.001.

Conclusion: HRT likely provides effective symptomatic relief in patients with postmenopausal undifferentiated arthritis. It may also provide relief in perimenopausal women, but sample sizes were small in these groups.

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