Biomedical Science & Research Journals | The Magic Flute I and II as Holistic Healing Approach in Honor of Asclepios, Copernicus & Co.

An abbreviated sustaining adaption of the Magic Flute continued and decoded according to split brain research of Sperry - applied and presented by Boys (B) and Girls (G) and a Speaker (S)
Sustaining Life (S): How human health depends on biodiversity’, edited by Eric Chivian and Aaron Bernstein, was presented in IMPRS Interdisciplinary Symposium 2010 ”New Frontiers in Science” by Prof. Bernstein, Medical School, Havard University, see the painting of Katharina as result of well cooperating hemispheres of young human brains, participating in the creation of a sustaining Magic Flute, inspired by Mozart, Asclepios and Haydn’s Oratorium ‘The Creation’, based on the Genesis.

Tamino (T): ‘Help me, otherwise I am lost…’ Nr. 1.

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