Biomedical Scinece and Research Journals | Cyberbullying in Early Adolescence: Is There a Difference Between Urban and Rural Environment?
According to the definition of the World Health Organization,
violence is “intentional use of physical force and power by threat
or action towards oneself, to another person, or to a group of
people or the whole community, which results in injury, death,
psychological consequences, underdevelopment or deprivation”. Similarly, legislation in Croatia regulated the relationship to
domestic violence, and according to the Law on Protection against
Domestic Violence, violence is defined as “any form of physical,
mental, sexual or economic violence”. Even though violence may
seem like a chaotic process, it always has four basic elements: power
disproportion, intent of hurting, threats of further aggression, and
terribleness that arises as a result of systematic violence used to
intimidate other and maintain domination.
Cyber peer bullying is considered as any communication
activity of a group or individual via internet, video or mobile
phones that serves to the cause of humiliation, teasing, and threats
to the victim.
Although it occurs primarily in older children and
adolescents, it may be present even in children under the age of 8.
Sending cruel, malicious, sometimes threatening messages, as well
as creating web pages that contain stories, drawings, images, and
jokes on a peer account are characteristics of cyber bullying. Cyber
bullying also refers to sending photos of peers and asking others
to evaluate them by certain characteristics or to vote for a person
who is, for example, ugliest, the most unpopular or the fattest in the
school. Cyber bullying includes” breaking” in someone else’s email
and sending malicious and unpleasant content to others.
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