Biomedical Science and Research Journals |Acute Pneumonia Today: The Worship of Antibiotics and The Neglect of Biological Laws

The results of studies and clinical trials of pathogenetic approaches in the treatment of acute pneumonia (AP) were obtained in the period from 1976 to 1985 on the experience of treatment and monitoring of 994 patients. Over the past period, there has been a steady decline in the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy, an increase in the number of complications in AP with frequent development of dramatic situations, the lack of expected changes after the start of vaccination, the deficit of strategic plans to solve the problem. All these reasons only increase the relevance and timeliness of the proposed materials. The main attention is paid to biological stereotypes of dynamics of acute inflammatory processes of nonspecific etiology. Underlying the inflammatory transformation of tissues vascular reactions determine the fundamental difference between the pathogenesis and clinic AP from other lesions of this nature, as this disease is the only one in this series, which is localized in the small circle of blood circulation. The proposed principles of pathogenetic treatment are based on new ideas about the nature of AP and the unique mechanisms of its pathogenesis. The results obtained give confidence in the possibility of guaranteed prevention of complications of the disease

Acute pneumonia (AP) for a long period of its fame has always been considered an inflammatory disease of nonspecific etiology. Such cardinal feature of infectious diseases as contagion never appeared in descriptions of AP as this characteristic had no actual confirmation. The mental perception and importance of microbial factor in AP began to change after the discovery and use of antibiotics. Moreover, such a transformation of views on the nature of AP has a paradoxical feature: as the effectiveness of antibiotics decreases, all treatment failures are explained only by the peculiarities of the microflora. Therefore, AP as a nosological form has not changed its cardinal features, but in recent years it is increasingly represented and interpreted as an infection. This “infectious bias” in terminology and classification would be logical and justified if there were real evidence, such as contact transmission and epidemics. However, the idea of the nature of AP as an infectious disease is nothing more than a consequence of a long therapeutic fascination with antibiotics, which continue to be considered a universal remedy and panacea.

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