Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Social Mechanism of Self-Development of Physical Culture
Social Mechanism of Self-Development of Physical Culture
Since man is simultaneously the subject and the object of the
process of historical development of society, one can conclude that
in society all the diversity of human needs is realized in the form
of individual or group activity of people. Such activity creates in
society a special relationship between people, which under certain
conditions is the basis of the mechanism of their self-organization
and leads to the appearance in society of various social phenomena
that can be transformed into corresponding social institutions.
This process can be described as follows. In an effort to satisfy a
particular need, a person enters into relationships with other
people who have similar aspirations. Such interaction can lead
to the unification of these people in order to jointly obtain the
necessary goods and values to meet common needs. It contributes
to the formation of social groups, which are characterized by
relative integrity and are an independent subject of social action.
Thus, based on specific personal needs of a person formed group
needs, which, unlike personal, are more stable and more stable.
This process - one of the forms of social realization of the natural
need of a person belonging to the group.
On the other hand, the association of people into groups leads
to the emergence of direct or indirect competing relationships
between its members, as well as between the groups they represent,
which is the consequence of the implementation of people’s
individual needs for self-expression. Dedicated to the dialectically
contradictory activities of people (on the one hand, the desire to
group into groups, and on the other, the desire for self-expression
that creates competing relationships between members of the
group, as well as between the corresponding groups) is just the
basis of the mechanism of self-development of social phenomena.
Group needs can be formed, and the process of their satisfaction
acquire a systematic character and develop in a social environment
only after obtaining proper social assessment. If group needs that
have emerged in the process of people’s activities to meet personal
needs do not receive a positive public assessment, this can lead
to a curtailment of the relevant social process, or even to the
complete elimination of the proper social base, and therefore the
corresponding social phenomenon.
If the social assessment of the social phenomenon that arose as
a result of the group’s activities to meet common needs is positive
then such a phenomenon, and, accordingly, the activities of people,
become socially significant. On this basis, a corresponding social
institution can be formed, which becomes a special social form of
consolidation and a way of carrying out specialized activities of
people. It is he (social institute) and ensures the stable functioning
of social relations based on the activities of people in the area
of meeting common needs, which may mean that such a social
phenomenon characterizes one of the basic elements of the culture
of society. Personality, group and socially important needs are
interdependent. The system of their interconnections is a feedback
system. Thus, group needs formed on the ground of personal
influence on the latter, defining the specific forms of human activity
for their satisfaction (rules of activity, organization and procedure
for preparation for it, etc.). Formation of socially important needs
though occurs on the basis of group, but this level determines
the historical vector of the evolution of social phenomena and
processes that arise as a result of people’s activities to meet group
and personality (primarily social and biosocial) needs.
One can conclude that in a society based on the competitive
interaction of people about satisfaction of common needs is formed
system of relations, which is self-organizing, which is the basis
of the development of the corresponding social phenomenon.
From the historical point of view, the mechanism of development
of social phenomena, if it is considered as a process of satisfying
people’s needs, can be represented as a self-regulatory system
of social relations, based on the competitive activity of people to
meet socially predetermined and biosocial needs. The essence of
this phenomenon is that the process of satisfaction of personal and
group needs of a person, as already mentioned above, can develop
and historically transform only after such activity receives proper
public recognition. It is obvious that the opposite is possible,
when reducing public interest in the activities of people leads to
a decrease in the social significance of the phenomenon that arose
on the basis of this activity, which may even lead to its complete
The above-described scheme of self-regulatory process of
people’s activities on the basis of a competitive relationship
between them in essence reflects the process of the emergence
and development of socially significant phenomena. What are the
various forms of social manifestation of the sphere of activity of
people associated with the use of physical exercises that during
the cultural-historical process received their own names - physical
education, sports, physical fitness (physical recreation) and other
forms of social practice related to them? Thus, the social mechanism
of self-development of the sphere of activity of people associated
with the use of physical exercises, for which the name is used by
the term “physical culture”, manifests itself in dialectical unity, on
the one hand, competing activities of people to meet various needs
for exercise, and on the other , a public assessment of such activity.
In this process, with the help of a public assessment, selection is
made of a variety of social phenomena that arise as a result of the
activities of people associated with the use of physical exercises
that are relevant to society.
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