Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Phosphatidylethanol (PEth); the Superior Direct Alcohol Biomarker against Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) and Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin (CDT)
Phosphatidylethanol (PEth); the Superior Direct Alcohol Biomarker against Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) and Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin (CDT)
As ethanol itself is metabolised and excreted quickly from the
body, assessing alcohol consumption with a blood test relies on
other markers indicative of consumption. Traditional tests include
Liver Function Testing (LFT), Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin
(CDT) Testing, and a Full Blood Count (FBC). Phosphatidylethanol
(PEth) testing, on the other hand, is a direct biomarker of alcohol
consumption, can only be detected when alcohol has been
consumed, and is directly correlated with the level of alcohol
There are some difficulties when testing alcohol in blood to
determine if alcohol had been abused. Due to these challenges
in testing alcohol consumption behaviours across society, in the
most recent decades, intensive research has been conducted to
find reliable biomarkers that are efficient enough to discriminate
chronic excessive drinking. Initially, the markers are divided into
two categories direct and indirect alcohol biomarkers. Indirect
biomarkers, which is a secondary biomarker, detect the effects of
alcohol on organ systems by measuring the elevated levels of the
body chemistry after alcohol consumption. The most commonly
used indirect biomarkers are mean corpuscular volume (MCV),
aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and carbohydrate-deficient
transferrin (CDT).
With the indirect biomarkers, more than one factor (including
alcohol) can lead to an elevation in the measured level in blood.
Smoking and several Pharmaceutical drugs may increase (induce)
the concentration of GGT in the blood. In addition, chronic
disease or Vitamin B12/folate deficiencies can increase the mean
corpuscular volume (MCV). CDT can also be affected by factors such
as hormonal changes and other diseases and deficiencies [1].
Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is a direct biomarker. The test
is not a new method for monitoring alcohol consumption. There
are a number of old and new studies that proved the superiority
of PEth test over the other indirect blood alcohol markers. PEth
exhibits high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for detecting
active chronic excessive drinking behaviours. Phosphatidylethanol
(PEth) is produced in the presence of low quantities of alcohol [1].
On average, PEth can be detected for nearly 28 days depending on
the consumed amounts [2-4].
Previous experiments and tests were conducted using less
sensitive HPLC methods. Recent drinking experiments, employed
a more sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the quantification of
PEth showed that the formation of PEth began immediately
after the volunteers started drinking alcohol (1 hour), reaching
a concentration of about 35–237μg/L. The measured levels of
PEth increased continuously over the next days and reached the
maximum concentrations between days 3 and 6 [1,6-9].
The previously mentioned indirect biomarker are insensitive
when tested separately and also incapable to determine abstinence.
In 2016, DNA legal is one of the rare laboratories around the
United Kingdom to develop a method that is capable of identifying
abstinence amongst the tested individuals.
What is concluded from this review, PEth detection period
is up to 3-4 weeks. PEth is a direct biomarker that is capable to
differentiate between teetotallers, social, chronic and excessive
drinking behaviours [10,11]. PEth values can be translated into
an approximate level of alcohol consumption. PEth appears to be
a more reliable measure of alcohol consumption than self-reports”.
Recent research in 2013 by Skipper GE et al. [10] was clear on
the advantage of PEth ability in combination with previous low
positive EtG results to differentiate between innocent/extraneous
exposure and drinking. The same research stated that blood PEth
is only positive following significant alcohol use which makes it a
good alcohol marker [12]. Another recent study supported Peth
test being a reliable biomarker of alcohol consumption when LFT
results are incapable to determine the alcohol consumption in
individuals with damaged liver [13].
Other published studies in 2014 and 2015 presented the
specificity of PEth as a direct biomarker and the ability to monitor
social and excessive drinking habits [14,15]. The study by Walther
L et al. [16] also introduced the superiority of PEth over the other
alcohol biomarkers by comparing the correlation of self-reported
results of PEth and the other biomarkers. The author concluded that
“At all consumption levels, PEth was superior to CDT owing to its
substantially higher sensitivity and also due to its closer correlation
to self-reported alcohol consumption”. The present studies
demonstrate a good clinical efficiency “up to 99% sensitivity” of
PEth for detecting alcohol drinking*
When compared to other PEth tests performed by the laboratory (DNA Legal, 2019)
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