Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Antibiotic with Essential Metals Complexation and Interaction, An in Vitro Study by Spectrophotometric Method
Antibiotic with Essential Metals Complexation and Interaction, An in Vitro Study by Spectrophotometric Method Abstract The present research work describes of interaction and complexation studies of Amoxicillin with essential metal & antacid and also investigation of antimicrobial activity of Amoxicillin. Amoxicillin included the third generation drug of penicillin. In vitro analysis, Amoxicillin must be interacted with metal like Mg2+ and Mn2+. At pH 7.4, this study was performed in different ratios of Amoxicillin with metal and antacid both at room temperature 250 0C. by this study, it is investigated that drug Amoxicillin is complexed with metal as well as antacid which is confirmed by job’s plot. This experiment was carried out by using ultra violet spectrophotometer. The microbial sensitivity test is important to know whether there is any change in the effectivity of Amoxicillin after the interaction with metals. There was a remarkable change...