Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Processes of Cultural Change and Health Education
Processes of Cultural Change and Health Education
Short Communication
In the era of globalisation, the profound technological
transformation of production processes is leading to an important
change in both the pace of life and time of work, study and leisure.
The strong technological acceleration produced by the fastest means
of transport, forces us to travel, to run without considering however
the impact of our way of travelling on the environment and on the
quality of life in our city. In an ever more interconnected world,
which changes with extraordinary rapidity and speed, it becomes
urgent to reflect on phenomena that we usually define synthetically
with the industry 4.0 [1]. How do we educate ourselves in these
profound changes? How to question the opportunities that new
generations will have to make a great contribution to human and
sustainable development in the future of society. If in the time of St.
Jerome the language was latin today is the “digital”, the language of
the web, big data, internet of things. A new language that changes
schools and transforms work into factories permeating every
moment of our life in being globally and locally interconnected.
The language of the web is a language that lays the foundations of
a new humanism and that, therefore, cannot and must never lose
sight of the centrality of man. When we confront with the digital
world, when we look at an uncertain future, we must never forget
the depth and strength of our cultural roots even in the time of “the
engineering of flows and the existential processes that we pretend
to control with rationality “[2], robotization, digital skills.
Not for homesickness, but rather to rediscover the meaning and
significance of common living, in a time of deep complexity. Today
in the places of cities, urban and anthropic environments, what are
the cultural presuppositions to educate young people to health?
Faced with the challenges technologies that improve, increase and
rebuild the human, what are the questions on which to dwell to
reflect to prepare the man to live in the future incognito? This is, in
fact, the pedagogical sense that inspires the educational work in the
places that constitute the space and the anthropological scenario of
many young generations. To lead young people to live in the fourth
industrial, technological and scientific revolution, to lead them to
savor the taste of educating to health, presupposes the capacity of
services and territorial projects to network around the theme of
safeguarding Hygiene as an area of disciplinary confrontation and
intended to understand, explain, correct, if necessary, phenomena
that involve the environmental balances related to the welfare
itself. From this perspective, human well-being can be explained at
different levels. Suffice it to read the 17 objectives set out in the
UN Agenda 2030 with particular reference to Objective 3 in which
it is necessary to “ensure health and well-being for all and for all
ages”, reinforcing, as provided for in point 3.5, the prevention and
Treatment of substance abuse, including drug abuse and harmful
alcohol consumption [3].
From this assumption it is easy to understand the urgency of
educating to health without neglecting the big risk factors for the
development of alcohol-addiction (the alcoholic binge, the drinking
or the drink so much all in one evening) to which are exposed many
adolescents [4]. Further levels of deepening human well-being we
can find them on the physical, mental, building, urban. These levels
make us realize that “the problem of the health of an individual, of
a social group, is therefore, in a clear relationship with the general
conditions of the space in which it dwells” [5]. It is a living space,
a place in which to try to live and solve individual and collective
problems, educational problems [6]. A context in which the services
to the person (sanitary, educational, cultural) should dialogue and
improve individual and collective well-being. However, in a culture
marked by the excesses of consumerism it is, in many respects
marginal, the idea of assuming an educational perspective that,
with regard to health problems, can make a decisive contribution
to increasing the strength of a community legitimated by a socioeconomic
organization that does not underestimate the adverse
effects of its work on the environment. The positive effects produced
by the processes of conservation and reproduction of nature in its
biological cycles are never studied enough.
It is necessary to know the nature and its operations, in all
educational contexts, formal, non formal and informal, so that it is
possible to take better behaviours to put in place to contrast the
reckless exploitation of the natural resources. An exploitation that
will inevitably entail high risks for the survival of the individual and
of many populations of the our earth. The importance of a hygiene
education becomes central, to prevent diseases and to affirm the
value of health as well to be protected all over the world. This is
a central issue not only to affirm, according to the national law
of the Italian Republic, the negative right not to harm the right to
health but to affirm the prospect of “protection”, which provides
attention to the positive duty to put in being the actions and
organizing the necessary services to the person to ensure good
health. Responsibility and civic sense of the institutions and the
environment in which people live are indispensable objectives
of a community that affirms the principle of the right to health
both of all citizens and of the individual. And it is therefore from
a pedagogical and holistic perspective that a specific attention is
given to the heuristic importance of health as a common good that
is not only a right and a duty of each and every one, but it becomes a
prospect of educational culture that offers children , young people,
adults and the elderly, the opportunity to rediscover a common
sense of belonging to life and, therefore, to the environment from a
common sense of respect for the human person.
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