Biomedical Science and Research Journals | Dark matter


Dark matter


Dark matter (DM) is a structure that materializes, reflects satisfaction in normal matter (NM), and its motivation is to maximize that satisfaction. It thus works against the background of the normal matter (NM) we observed and, whenever possible, it acts on this matter in order to increase satisfaction. Dark matter is nothing mysterious, occurring only against the background of astronomical systems. It has as many levels and forms as we observe and to a certain level we know in NM. E.g. in a democratic society it is parliament, in animals it is cerebrospinal fluid. DM is a system function performed by various group.

Experimental Basis

The presented work is based on long-term model work, which was performed on the basis of stock markets. The building blocks of the examined model system are companies, where their success is described by the development of stock values. Success is the main parameter of relationships in NM. In systems where the notion of success does not seem to occur, the cause is only their too superficial, statistical understanding and examination J.

The model used is non-econometric, i.e. it is not based on economic formulas, but on biological principles. For each object, it monitors its motivation in the changes that have taken place. In general, it is based on the principle of living systems and their unified efforts to maximize their satisfaction.


Satisfaction is a characteristic that describes the tendency of an object to leave the existing structure of relationships. So, it is always relative to something.

Living systems follow this tendency in their elements and regulate the management of the whole accordingly. The main problem is to determine on the basis of which data to monitor this quantity. Unlike success, which is easily quantifiable in NM - for example by money - satisfaction must be "laboriously" determined. In human society, one spontaneous manifestation is, for example, an emotional state. Living systems probably generally follow this migration tendency mainly on their border with their surroundings [1-3].

Although a living system is part of NM, it is not just governed by success. He even is guided primarily by his satisfaction and fulfills it precisely by solving the tension of success. So not a flat rate increase. DM then provides him with a global, synthesizing view of the solution, which is always advantageous to use.

The very concept of existence seems to be derived when it is a manifestation of system activation. The living system is then activated when there is an increase in dissatisfaction in it.


The result of model optimization is the knowledge that information about the state of the border is essential for the control of the system. However, it must be a boundary between the elements of the system and the environment, not, for example, a boundary between the various elements. In the case of the economic model, these were companies engaged in real estate - reits. In addition, a narrow group that provided services to citizens, i.e. outside the system. Only these companies, working for example with mortgages, carried significant information about the satisfaction of the building as a whole.

A closer look at them shows that these are companies that "fall out" of the system, have relationships only with the environment. Gradually - with the development of the system - they become its dark matter.

The principle of that dropout is probably that there are no strained relationships from NM, they are not in a "conflict of interest", and they can only monitor and evaluate satisfaction. This then manifests itself on the border, for example, with citizens - mortgages - in that greater certainty of the prospects of companies in the country, not leaving it, increases interest in mortgages.


DM elements are objects that are not in NM L. Nevertheless, the elimination from NM is gradual. The beginning of this process can be seen, for example, in parliament. Deputies are objects that fall out of the NM, ie from financial relations and work only with the satisfaction of the elements of the system - citizens. Nevertheless, even here you can see how sometimes they are reluctant to get rid of their ties. At the same time, it is also possible to see why dropping out should take place - a conflict of interest is, in other words, an incorrect decision-making, a distortion of information about satisfaction (self) success.

A similar process at the stellar level, in which stars are plucked into black holes, is probably much more elaborate and consistent, because it is a much older system and therefore much more perfect. Despite the fact that our observations and knowledge of this phenomenon at the astronomical level are completely elementary, our observational possibilities are negligible, as are our abilities.

Once the element enters the DM, its dropout process continues. However, it continues, and probably above all, with each new element torn out, the preconditions for the work of DM are constantly improving.

The work of DM itself is based on the interconnection of different levels of DM. The element that entered the DM is also a system, and every living system exists only in connection with the DM. By falling out of the NM and entering the DM, it brings with it its original system DM, which, however, is already phylogenetically involved in the DM. And every other lower level of DM is more integrated into DM, benefits more from its structure and also affects it more.

DM activity

The effect of DM on NM and on a particular system is generally inhibitory! The model shows that no effect of DM causes a new activity of the system, ie it does not increase the existence of naopak, but on the contrary dampens the activity that would occur without its influence and which would be disadvantageous for the object - eg from a longer term, system reasons, etc.

In the case of parliament, the result of the DM's work is the making of laws as rules for the functioning of the NM, as a restrictive, inhibiting framework that suppresses egoistic, seemingly most advantageous practices.

In the case of animals, for example, the effect of DM, which is apparently located in the cerebrospinal fluid, i.e. at the subcellular level, is realized by inhibitory neurons. And finally, at the astronomical level, it is again a matter of "background" action, these are the laws of physics, which are precisely the result of the action of DM on NM.


Since the assumption of unity of not only material but also principles in different levels of organization of matter in mutual cooperation of normal and dark matter is made, it is possible to ask how transferable are possible experiences, procedures, events, intelligence between levels in general. If so, it would be interesting to observe and get to know more distant systems and understand their life principles and use them in systems such as humans. This would probably be more useful than examining systems as close as possible, which are the easiest to understand but all the less beneficia. However, it is probable that the interconnectedness of the existence of different living systems through dark matter is, among other things, the transfer of this intelligence between levels with a single goal - to maximize global satisfaction.

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